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Docs — Autosync

You can find the setup instructions here.

Each time you update the posting location via /autosync channel set or /autosync webhook set, the bot will delete your previous embed (if one existts) and post a new one (unless you did not actually make a change).

To manually trigger an update (e.g. if your bot's permissions were not configured correctly during an update), you can use /autosync update.

If the autosync mode is set to repost, an update will cause a new embed to be posted and the old one to be deleted. This is suitable for channels dedicated to just the TCN embed. If the mode is set to edit, the existing embed will just be edited in-place (or a new one will be posted if the old one cannot be found). This is more suitable if you are using one channel for listing all of your partners.

To stop using autosync, you can call /autosync disable.