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Quickstart — Requirements

Partner List

You must display the list of TCN servers and other TCN partners in a publicly visible channel, clearly separated from your server's individual partners. You can find an up-to-date version in #partner-list in the TCN Hub, though you do not have to follow this format.


Want to skip the hassle of updating it every time something changes? Use autosync to keep your list updated with just a one-time setup and zero maintenance afterwards! Alternatively, you may just use /partner-list view public:true to satisfy the requirements.

To set up autosync:

  • Invite the TCN bot: [invite]
  • To have the bot post the messages, use /autosync channel set. To have a webhook post the messages, use /autosync webhook set.
  • If you would like the bot to repost the embed instead of editing it each time (or vice versa), run /autosync mode set.


The following are required:

  • Website URL:
  • Description: A description of the network
  • Partner List: The list of all TCN partners (must not contain any other servers)
  • TCN Hub: The description for the TCN Hub and its invite link (
  • Genshin Wizard: The description for Genshin Wizard and its website link (
  • Genshin Impact Tavern: The description for Genshin Impact Tavern and its invite (
  • Daedalus: The description for Daedalus and its dashboard link (

Partner Event Channel

You must follow #network-events in a publicly visible channel in your server. You can make this the same channel as where you post other partner events.