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Quickstart — Network User Reports

Network user reports are our way of sharing information on problematic users so you can eliminate potential threats or disturbances before they appear in your server. You are not required to take any specific action on users who have been reported — the purpose is simply to provide you with information for you to use as you see fit.

To submit a report, visit the report form.


To set up network user reports, first invite the bot using this link.

Now, use /reports set-channel to set the channel in which your server will receive reports. You can also use this command to stop receiving reports.

Use /reports set-logs to set the logging channel, which will contain records of automated actions. Removing the logging channel will make logs always appear in the primary reports channel.

Use /reports autoban to enable/disable automatic banning for banshares, /reports autokick to enable/disable automatic kicking for hacked account reports, and /reports autoban-threshold to control a member age threshold to exempt long-time members of the server from autobans.


See the network user reports documentation for more information. You can control which categories of reports to receive using /reports categories.